Date Archives October 2011

The Opportunity and Challenge in Moving

One of my workshop participants once said that it feels as she left her best self in her country of origin and that her current version of her self is inferior: less self confident, successful and happy.  Professionally she does not feel as accomplished and proud. Moving to a new country, region or even just a new town or city is both an opportunity and…

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The Art of Story Telling

Tell me about yourself! What is your story? Where have you been and where are you heading?  How many of us have not been caught by surprise when someone we just met asks us to introduce ourselves, or stumbled at the common first question in a job interview: Tell us about yourself? Why is the question so dreaded? Why does it take so much work…

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Is a Career in Hedge Funds for You?

Today’s blog is written by a guest, Philip DiDio After a setback during the financial crisis, hedge funds have resumed performing well and attracting assets.  Hedge fund employment and compensation have grown in tandem.  How can you participate in the resurgence? I’ve been a hedge fund investor for over ten years, both personally and on behalf of well-known institutions.  I’ve also worked as a consultant…

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How I Networked My Way into the US Job Market

I moved to the US over 12 years ago. I still recall my first attempts to look for a job. The economy was strong so there were plenty of jobs around. The New York Times job section was several pages long. As I was new to the country my initial steps were not so successful. My main strategy was to apply for jobs posted in…

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Fall-A New Beginning

Labor Day has passed and fall is almost here, this is the best time for new projects. I always feel energized in the fall, probably a remnant from my school days when I looked forward to a new academic semester after a long and revitalizing summer. The abundance of sun, swim and plenty of vitamin D provided by the long white nights in Finland made…

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Reach for the Stars or How to Set Goals and Reach Them

We often talk about the importance of identifying and defining our goals. This applies to both our personal and work lives. We set goals to lose weight, learn a new language, and land that new job or to make that change in our life or career that we have thought about so long. Reach for the stars and land in the tree tops is one…

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Being in Transition

To be in transition is to be on the way.  On the way to something different, something better, something new or perhaps something familiar.  Sometimes  being in transition is voluntary, other times we are forced into it. Either way what we make of the time “being in transition” is central to what we find at the end. Often “being in transition”  between jobs makes us…

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Be Too Connected to Fail

In one of my workshops for expatriate spouses in the NY area we discuss networking or the concept of creating and maintaining career connections. We usually launch the workshop by sharing what “to network” means to me, how it is defined and what the networking do’s and don’ts are in my country of origin and compare it to how networking is defined and done in…

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