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When someone is sabotaging you at work

Have you ever found yourself in the situation when someone at work is trying to sabotage your work? There are signs or behaviors that a team member is undermining your leadership. You cannot really put…

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Cleaning away hurdles to move on

After a four month break I finally repaired my painting. It was smudged during transportation from art class in May. I had big summer plans for my painting projects. Did nothing. Not even doodle. So…

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Working Virtually – The Hyperawareness Trap

Living during a pandemic (and now also during very uncertain and volatile times) is a high stress situation. Our health and physical wellbeing and that of our loved ones’ is threatened. Living under social distancing and isolation are also stressful situations, as are experiencing a threat to global safety and stability. We need human togetherness to thrive.

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Working Virtually – The Distorted Self-Image Trap

Are you obsessed about how you looked recently during that virtual meeting? Those bags under your eyes seem to get heavier each day. What about that double or triple chin and shiny forehead? There is a word for the hyper awareness of our looks ‘Zoom dysmorphia’.

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Yikes! I’ve Lost the Ability to Interact in-person at Work

Anecdotal information from my network is telling me that we have grown comfortable with zoom and teams’ meetings while live in-person interactions now feel stressful, and even odd. We are experts at expressing and reading emotions with our eyes and foreheads only. Smiling with our eyes as we wear a facemask. How to transition back to in-person work?

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September 11 Reflections on Life and Leadership

There is enormous power in the human spirit and in community. We say that we should never forget 9/11. True. What we chose to remember is what matters. Let’s remember the togetherness and friendship we shared with strangers in our neighborhood and across the world those days and months….

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Who am I as a Leader? – On Finding your Leadership Style

How do you discover your own authentic leadership style and is there only one style that is truly your personal leadership approach?

These are questions we often ask ourselves.

A quick online search on ‘leadership styles’ will give you several different answers. Some articles list five, others six, another one ten and so on.

How do you know what expert to listen to and what list of leadership styles to use when selecting yours? Is there one style that fits everyone everywhere and always?

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Force From the Finnish Forest – How nature is your secret to success

Nature and as such the forest provides for us a well of wellbeing. The environment where we live influences our mood. Research shows that our environment can increase and reduce our level of stress, anxiety and even our heart-health. Spending even a short time in nature lowers our blood pressure, reduces anxiety, improves our mood and physical health.

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