How do you find a #mentor? A question I asked my Leading Ladies in International Organizations Panel on June 17th

Answer: Make sure your #values#career and #leadership visions align. Find #mentors in roles that excite and inspire you. You can find your mentor through your informal networks, your peers and friends, or, through formal mentoring programs. You might even meet your future mentor in the grocery store.

 #leadership #leadingladies #femaleleaders #internationaldevelopment #internationalcareers #coaching

You can listen to all the words of wisdom from the Leading Ladies in international Organizations at the link below:

“The Leading Ladies in International Development Panel Discussion is part of a larger initiative to inspire, promote and support female leaders and leadership: The purpose of the Leading Ladies initiative is to advance women in leadership, raise the profile of leading women overall and inspire young rising women leaders to pursue their career dreams. The “Leading Ladies” Panel project is focusing on different aspects of women leaders.

This is an initiative by Katarina Holm-DiDio, a leadership and executive career coach in collaboration between Impactpool and KHD Consulting International. It is hosted by Impactpool and moderated by Katarina.”

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