The part of Finland where I grew up had no mountains. It was flat. With a hill popping up here and there.  We would drive six hours north beyond the arctic circle to find a decent mountain to hike or ski. The fjords and mountains of Norway took my breath away the first time I experienced them, and I have been fascinated by the panorama on the top of the world since.

Hiking up a mountainside is hard work and I am not super fit. So I huff and I puff, I take breaks and often grab a stick or hiking pole to help me keep going.   It is all worth it for the hiker’s high I am rewarded with when I reach the destination, often sweaty and tired. My eyes rest on the mountain ridges – they are like waves of rock in front of me. The wind dries my sweaty shirt and I rest my tired legs on cliffs and rocks below me.  

Hiking up a mountain is an exercise in resilience.  You can’t see the end until you are up on the top so you have to believe that it is there and that you can make it. Complaining and negativity will make the endeavor harder, you must believe to make it.   Setting short term goals will help you succeed, both mentally and physically. Reaching the top is a self confidence enhancer, I’ve seen it in my children. You learn how to overcome challenges and develop a can-do mindset. 

Once you are up there, your perspective changes literally, helping you to explore your life and resolve problems as you look at them from a different perspective. The fresh air and physical exercise is good for our problem solving, experience shows. 

It is a mindful mountain moment. When I feel truly alive and connected to earth, to the mountain, to life.  

It can also help you find new perspectives on your life and career. Many say that they resolve problems best when hiking, walking, or during other physical exercise. Have you tried taking a walking break during your work day? Alone or with your team? Perhaps you have had a walking meeting with your boss?

Try incorporating more walking in your workday and and perhaps a trip to a mountain for your next vacation. You might like it and feel better once done.

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