As a coach who supports leaders in challenging situations I am always looking for simple ways to help my clients thrive, stay mentally and physically resilient and succeed.  This is the second blog in a series of blog posts where I share insights into how nature, plants, gardening, the sea and, mountains can help us stay resilient and thrive. And how it is not always necessary to leave your office to do so. 

My favorite Disney movie is not Frozen.  You might have thought it was, as it is inspired by the Nordic people and climate with its blond and blue-eyed characters, snowy winters, and palaces of ice (yes, they do exist). 

My favorite Disney movie is Moana.  Set in the giant Pacific Ocean on an island.  Why do I love Moana? It is not just the music, which I do enjoy, or the diverse characters.   It is the splendid, friendly, dangerous, luring call of the sea that I love.  And Moana, of course, a sensitive, strong, and stubborn girl who listens to her inner voice telling her to ride the waves to save her community, all in the process of her own self discovery. 

What does Moana have to do with wellbeing at work? 

I once had a client who was in a particularly challenging international assignment. She was alone, no family accompanied her. The job was difficult, the office culture competitive and rather unsupportive. She felt stressed, lonely, and considered leaving even if she knew that it might derail her long-term career goals. 

She looked to me to help her decide what to do and how to manage the immediate crises she experienced. 

To help her manage the daily stress I asked her to think about and describe an empowering place where she feels happy, strong, and at peace. 

Not surprisingly it was a nature scene.  A certain seascape.  I then encouraged her to conjure the image in her mind of this place when she felt particularly stressed, to help her calm down and summon her inner strength. It proved to be very helpful as it allowed her to manage her stress reaction and feel more in control of her life and daily stressors. 

We also decided she would bring a photo or poster of this place to her office and hang it on her wall for her to look at when she felt particularly stressed out. Doing so provided her a moment of mental and emotional escape during a difficult day. Which then empowered her to take on the challenges she faced.  This simple solution made a big difference for her, together with photos of friends and family.  Most importantly, it helped her make the best of the assignment and stay until she had found a better opportunity to transfer to. 

She remained the captain of her career. 

Just as for the client, the seascape is Moana’s special place.  It is where she feels at home. Where she finds her strength and purpose. 

The wide unlimited horizon of the sea leaves few of us unmoved. In some it triggers fear, for others it means freedom. Opportunities and adventures yet to be explored. 

I have a special place by the sea. It is on the west coast of Finland. By my hometown and where our family’s summer place is.  This is the place where I feel at peace, where my soul shelters, and where my mind is open, sending my thoughts and ideas far away with the wind.  Allowing them to explore. And rest in the knowledge that there is freedom and differences in perspective. 

If you feel stuck, mentally, in a job, or a life situation then go down to the shore. Look at the ocean.  Feel the wind caress your skin. Listen to the waves. The unobstructed view has the key to the door that is keeping you stuck.  Spending time on or by the sea can improve our mood and increase our wellbeing, especially if we combine it with physical activity, such as swimming, rowing, or canoeing. 

Moana can show us the way.

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