Fall-A New Beginning

Labor Day has passed and fall is almost here, this is the best time for new projects.

I always feel energized in the fall, probably a remnant from my school days when I looked forward to a new academic semester after a long and revitalizing summer. The abundance of sun, swim and plenty of vitamin D provided by the long white nights in Finland made a great platform for launching new projects and activities in September.

My creativity is always soaring in the fall. I burst with ideas and creative urges, for arts & crafts and home remodeling, and for my career. Perhaps it is time to write a book, look for a new job, pursue that promotion, and submit a proposal for a presentation or seminar.

How can we do the most with our re-energized mind and body and use it for our job search, career development or for making some long desired changes in our work and personal life?

  • Document your feelings, your dreams, plans and goals, before the busy schedule takes over. Write them down, dictate them to a voice recorder or share them with your 200 closest friends on Facebook. Sometimes sharing our plans with someone helps us follow through since it makes us feel accountable to others and ourselves.
  •  Creativity is often associated with spontaneity and perhaps chaos, but just as we conserve the harvest of berries and fruit from the summer by freezing, drying or cooking jam we need to conserve our creative ideas for the long winter. Make a folder or portfolio of new ideas. Perhaps use mindmapping, an excellent tool to create a visual overview of a project, subject or plan. I use it often to help my career coaching clients brainstorm opportunities, goals and to prioritize. Take time to return to your mindmap or folder of ideas. Prioritize them and select which to pursue.
  •  You may feel rested and energized right now, but as the rainy days come, the long days at the office or the challenging job search, you may feel less enthusiastic. To conserve and maintain your energy remember to take care of your physical and mental health. Try to eat healthy, exercise regularly and nurture your friendships. Recent research has shown that those who have enough close relationships, such as friends live longer and happier.

Finally, keep an open and inquisitive mind. While it may feel difficult and hard sometimes, try to look for opportunities instead of obstacles. What matters is not that we avoid any difficulties or challenges in our lives, but how we react to them, how we manage our feelings and how we seek to overcome the difficulties and challenging times.

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